Arminius-d planet destiny
Arminius-d planet destiny

arminius-d planet destiny

He’s obviously bigoted, as are all who hate Christians.ģ) George is contradicting his teaching that right and wrong is just whatever you believe it to be (even going so far as to teach that Hell is just a state of mind), and might as well be teaching that reality is whatever you want it to be. But he is a hypocrite obviously, a false Catholic (or an example of a typical Catholic, hypocritical), because when he hears the truth about God preached, his evil heart kicks back in it’s taking offense at being called “evil” or “not good”. God wants, in the end, the majority of rebellious people be sent away, to disturb only other rebels, and get what they deserve for their hostility.Ģ) George is contradicting his claim that he doesn’t give his opinion, which he says he doesn’t do because the audience doesn’t want to hear him, but what the guests have to contribute. A Christian may not make it apparent right away that you’re disturbing them by acting impure, and they might even find it funny for a a while, but after, it disgusts them. It clearly causes a disturbance of the peace, at the very least God’s, and disgusts every Christian, as in real Christ-followers, to see rebellion. The Bible clearly states that it is wrong to deny God’s existence and that people who refuse to love him will not be forever tolerated in any place other than Hell. At best you can really “know” about twenty people after having worked with them for a few years, and a typical 16-year-old American or British person would know at best about 41 people from having been around them often. Can he really know what is going on in over a thousand peoples’ lives, even enough to say they’ve never murdered anyone? So he’s been watching them every hour of their life? That’s like a 16-year-old on facebook or myspace or bebo with over 200 friends, pretending that every single one of them is a close friend, and that they know them. None said, “Just believe what you want” or “your religion is personal” or “God won’t punish reasonable people” or “right and wrong is whatever George Noory or I say it is.” For George to say that a person is “good”, besides being absurd, since there are hardly even any good true Christians, is also absurd because he’s pretending, obviously pretending, to know the hearts and to have seen the lifetime of deeds of the guests he has on. No one said (as sick Christians do), “Oh that’s legalistic to try and obey God to the letter” or “perfectly”. In list form, this is what he is doing wrong when he says such a thing:ġ) He’s contradicting the commandments, which Jesus also repeated as valid, as did every Christian in the Bible.

arminius-d planet destiny

I think Hell is just a state of mind” reply which he gives when he hears, “If you don’t believe in God you’re going to Hell.” When George, or anyone says that, he’s saying it without evidence, and playing God over right and wrong. Unfortunately, sadly, Bill was being cowardly or weak when George rudely tried to refute him: George gave his usual Universalist Christian cliche, “I know a lot of people who don’t believe in God, I have on psychics who don’t do anything wrong, they don’t murder anyone.

arminius-d planet destiny

Anyways, George, who prides himself on keeping his opinion out of the stories he gets, wrecked this story by, guess, injecting his opinion to try and refute this Christian, who was obviously the fundamentalist type, but the good kind, not the “be good by obeying God and not rejecting your forgiveness to get to Heaven” type (also known as Arminians). You could say it was disrespectful on George’s part. Odd that being that he had his own OBE (out of body experience) that he’d mess up the details, especially on a rare incident like seeing Hell. At first George said it was a near death experience, but he was later corrected. Last night, George Noory had on a guest, Bill Wiese, obviously a Christian, who gave his account of being in Hell.

Arminius-d planet destiny